Download best extentsion for developer


You are a developer  and you are too much busy .  So that you have no time to search a whats new in your sector . This is not good habit for a developer . As a developer you must be always up to date .  There is a extension named daily dev . I highly recommend this extension to add your browser if you are in the same condition what i said before . This extension help you up to date if you are a developer . 70,000+ user already using this extension . Many developer writing article for you . If you are new in web developer sector , you can't imagine how much benefit waiting for you . Click here to get this extension . its totally free . 

You can follow this steps also - 

1. Click here - Download now


2. Then if you use chrome  click on - add to chrome 

if you are firefox user click on -  add to firefox 

same for all browser . 


3. After added to browser window show like this - 

4. If you want to sing up click the right top side  - sing up button 

you can sing up google  and sing up . if you don't have git hub account , you can go with with google . this is too simple .  

5. What happen next ? - this is your turn . If you feel better don't forget share with your friends .

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